Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Cheney Says Torture Worked

Dick Cheney's "We Used Enhanced Interrogation Techniques Because They Worked" tour continues. He spoke Sunday on "Face the Nation", telling host Bob Schieffer that the Obama Administration's stance on enhanced interrogation techniques is "deeply disturbing." President Obama has repeatedly said that "the United States of America does not torture." Cheney takes great care not to use the word torture. That's because he doesn't consider some forms of torture such as waterboarding to actually be torture. Cheney said techniques such as waterboarding were successful, citing Khalid Sheikh Mohhammed, who "provided vast quantities of information about al Qaeda" after being waterboarded. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who was waterboarded six times a day for a month, admitted to: taking steroids, stealing sugar packets from Starbucks, driving a motorcycle without a helmet, being a witch, lying about getting a degree in economics from Cornell, and bowling without regulation bowling shoes.


  1. No wonder they waterboarded Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. He went to Cornell. He must have been a classmate of Ann Coulter.

  2. Bowling without wearing regulation bowling shoes? Sacrilege!

  3. If you steal sugar packets from Starbucks you can expect to get waterboarded. You'd expect more from a Cornell graduate.

  4. Khalid Shaikh Mohammed confessed to steroid use? I'm crushed. There goes any chance of his being elected to the Terrorist Hall of Fame on the first ballot, when he's eligible in 2012.

  5. Was KSM in the same class at Cornell as Keith Olbermann?
