Sunday, April 26, 2009

New Blog To Run Seven Days A Week!

Due to unusually high demand, this blog will run seven days a week, starting next week, not Monday through Friday as previously announced. I would like to welcome our international friends. To Alejandro in Spain, Bienvenido a mis amigos de todo el mundo, and to Zeliha in Turkey, Hosgeldiniz arkadaslarima tum dunyada. Because of the overwhelming response to my blog, I can't respond to everyone personally. However, feel free to comment on any subject I bring up. Response to the April 24th blog was interesting. Chrissy Corso said, "I agree 100% with Paul Solomon's assessment of the situation". Readers were unanimous in their unhappiness with ABC and their support for the show "Samantha Who?". Interestingly, nobody seems to have been a fan of "Cavemen", based on those hilarious commercials for Geico. I guess they weren't in on the joke. In response to the April 25th blog, Marc said, "Save the whales...collect the whole set." Marc, let us know what drugs you're on. I want some.


  1. As President Lincoln said when asked if he thought Ulysses S. Grant, commander of the Union Army, had a drinking problem: "Find out what brand he drinks, and send a case to all my generals."

  2. Marc, what brand do you drink? Please send me a case.

  3. Captain Morgan, of course. I'll send your lawyer a case.

  4. Marc, I'll have my lawyer send you the bill.
